Midterm Quiz

Left column


  1. Give the section tag a 700px width.
  2. Make the section tag center in the window.
  3. Add 3px grey border on the bottom of the header tag.
  4. Remove unordered list style from the menu (the disc).
  5. Display the menu horizontally across the page.
  6. Remove the underline from the links and color them white, color background red. Give the links a 10px margins and 10px 20px padding.
  7. Style the hover green.
  8. The left and right columns are 150px and the background is to be colored "silver", the center column is 400px and the background is colored #ddd;.
  9. Using floats, position the three content boxes so that the web page is a 3 column layout.
  10. Add 10px margin to the paragraphs

Right column

Part 2

Left column


  1. Keep the width and background color of the columns from above.
  2. Using the display property, turn these three content boxes into table-columns to create the same three column layout.
  3. Hint. Display the container as a table and the three columns as table cells.

Right column