On The Table: Pumpkin Tartlets

Pumpkin Tartlets 9a_UO

Tartlets crust:
-2 cups almonds
-20 fresh dates
-A pinch pink or sea salt
-mini pie tins

Pumpkin filling:
-1 cup roasted pumpkin (approx. 1/2 Hokkaido pumpkin)
-2 tbsp coconut oil
-1 cup soaked cashews
-1/2 tsp clave powder
-1/2 tsp vanilla powder
-A pinch nutmeg powder
-1/4 cup nut milk
-2 tbsp coconut palm sugar

Chocolate sauce:
-6-8 dark chocolate ounces

Coconut Milk Ice Cream (optional):
*The ice cream needs to be made the day before or at least 4-6 hours before serving it, and must be made in an ice cream maker
-2 cans full fat coconut milk
-3/4 cup coconut palm sugar or maple syrup
-1 vanilla bean or 1tsp vanilla powder
-1 tbsp arrowroot starch
-A pinch sea or pink salt
-1 tsp coconut oil

Pumpkin Tartlets _UO

To make the crust: Pulse the nuts in a food processor until chunks, then add the salt and the dates and continue mixing to get a compact, sticky dough. Place the raw dough into tartlet pie tins and press the dough with your hands into the bottom and around the sides. Put the tartlets in the freezer to harden up for about an hour while you prepare the filling.

Pumpkin Tartlets 1a_UO

To make the filling: Preheat the oven to 400°F. Peel and slice the pumpkin (remove the seeds). Cut the pumpkin into small squares, then place the pieces on an oven tray. Add the coconut oil and massage the pumpkin with your hands. Bake for about 15-20 minutes until the pumpkin softens. Remove from the oven and let the pumpkin cool down. Sprinkle the spices and the coconut sugar over the pumpkin, then combine with a spoon. Rinse the soaked cashews and place them in a food processor. Add the roasted pumpkin. Mix on high speed until you get a creamy consistence. Spoon the filling into the tartlet shells. Place the tarts in the freezer one more time while making the chocolate sauce.

To make the chocolate sauce: Cut the chocolate into smaller pieces and melt it over a water bath/double boiler. Take it off and let it cool down for a bit. Remove the tartlets from the freezer and drizzle the chocolate on the top of them by using a spoon.

To make the coconut milk ice cream: Place all the ingredients into a blender and mix. Then transfer the blend into an ice cream maker and process. Churn until the consistency is soft and creamy. Now pour the cream into a metallic form or freezer container by using a rubber spatula. Cover with plastic wrap and keep in the freezer for at least 4-6 hours. Let the ice cream thaw for a few minutes before serving it. Serve the tartlets with some ice cream on the side and sprinkle some chocolate chips on the top. Enjoy!

To view this recipe on original post, please click HERE.

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