Reflection's Veil
In the looking glass I glimpse a maze
A dance of shadows in a shifting haze
Where truth eludes and beauty's concealed
By the artful guise of the mind's ordeal.

My silhouette a canvas, warped and skewed,

A kaleidoscope of doubt, in colors subdued,

Yet deep within, a spirit's fire aglow,

Yearns to break free, to truly know.

To unveil the splendor in my heart's embrace,

And let it shine, casting off the chase,

For in the mirror, a riddle's spun,

A puzzle to solve beneath the sun.

A journey embarked, with hope in flight,

To shatter this illusion, find the light,

In self-acceptance, we'll rise anew,

Shedding "Reflection's Veil," in shades of true.