Designing for the Web: 7 Steps

Table of Contents

Develop Your Idea + Target Audience

My goal with my personal portfolio website would be to highlight and communicate different parts of myself to two different sets of audiences: individuals or organizations wishing to hire freelancers for design and development services, and hiring managers at corporations. To achieve these goals, the primary focus would have to be on past experience and my projects. I want to showcase my work and convey my expertise in a concise way, but also reflect my personality and traits through the website to make it feel unique to visitors.

Discovery & Research

Since my goal with the website is to land gigs and acquire jobs in primarily digital product design, I looked for some effective Product and UX Designer portfolio websites online.

Sean Haplin's portfolio website is minimalistic, yet playful and brings out parts of Sean through the visual design - he describes himself as afront-end developer and general doodler with a keen eye for creating engaging UI, bringing products to life. The website has some engaging anmations, and colors & fonts that make it stand out but the layout of the site is still fairly conventional, and easy to navigate.

Panini Pandey: UI/UX Designer & Visual Artist

Panini's website is very effectively geared towards UI/UX hiring managers / companies looking to hire UI/UX designers. After a very brief greeting and intro in the hero section, the focus of the site completely to Panini's UX design projects - each of which are presented in an easily digestible format for hiring managers to easily look over. His main UX projects are further complimented by his visual art projects which are laid out further down in the website.

Ojasvin: Designer & Coder

Ojasvin has a very unique and illustrative visual style, complimented by simple interactions, that make his website appear very different from the competition and make it feel very personal. At the same time, a strong emphasis is put on his projects and he effectively portrays himself as a designer with coding abilities. However, his website could be tricky to navigate for visitors in some instances do to the onorthodox layout and lack of conventional labels for projects.




Photoshop Comp