Develop Your Idea:

I want to create a portfolio showcasing my skills and work experience. I want people to see it, interact with it, and be curious about what’s happening on the website. I also would like to make it simple and illustrate my style. I imagine this portfolio to be strong and use light colors.

Discovery and Research:


One of the first websites that ever caught my attention was HUSH, an architectural and interior design firm. Their website is black and white; however, it is very bold and incorporates interactive elements on the landing page. You need to scroll down to find work samples, and when you point the round cursor at them, you can see the actual images.


The second website that I find interesting is called BIG. This site offers clean visual content, all centered on the page. It engages visitors with its interactive features; as you scroll down, the images jump into view. The website is organized into sections, each containing more subsections that help visitors or potential clients quickly find work similar to the projects they are planning to build.


The third website is called H&dM. This site plays more with its work by implementing short videos on the landing page, engaging visitors, and allowing them to analyze what’s happening. On top of the video, there is a 'search for something' box that enables people to find what they’re looking for, helping them achieve the purpose of their visit.

Target Audience:

The target audience will be (of course) employers who are interested in hiring an Architectural Design Intern in the United States. And also possible clients who would like me to work on their projects. I imagine

Inspirations and Concepts:

Thumbnails and Sketches:

Wireframes and Prototypes:

Responsive Mockup:

click here

Photoshop Comp: