Do you have a favorite episode from last season?

Nrama: Do you have a favorite episode of last season?

Hammer: You know what? I see last season as a group. I see some other seasons as individual episodes, but last season felt just like Season Five.

Publick: There was something unique to enjoy about each one of those episodes. I have a hard time judging the final product, as I usually judge it by the experience of making them, so there are seasons I hate because they were so hard. Last season, though, I just loved making it and I was happy with the scripts I wrote, and every script Doc wrote. We were trying new things out and, I don't know, it just feels like we've broadened the horizons of the show in just how we told stories and the way we could control the pace and the visuals.

Hammer: I'm proud of that as a director. I like everyone of them!

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