What happens when you create a flexbox flex container?

Rachel Andrew

A flex container can help people arrange coding easily. When people use a flexbox, we don’t need to set a margin, padding, width, and height individually, which help designers and developers save lots of time in doing web layout design. It is good for layout, create a grid system on a website, and it mainly focuses on small scale web design. The most important thing about a flexbox is it can be responsive to every device, and it is mobile friendly.

The first step is to create a container for the content. Later a flexbox can help designers arrange content vertically or horizontally (aligned). The coder should give flex boxes value, such as flex:1 or 2, to show how many column or space they should have, and by adjusting flex number until you get the length you want. (change the flex number 1-2, and the number of the boxes, which get assigned bigger, the space of them will become bigger as well) Developers can also change orders for the boxes or childs instead of changing them from HTML individually.

There are many other functions that flex boxes have, such as Flex-basis, Flex-wrap, and Align-items; they all play an important role in responsive web design. Flex-basis function is the same as width. And Flex-wrap will automatically move the rest of the column down when the browser gets smaller. Align-items: flex-start will align the rest of the column with the first column from the top section. Align-items: flex-end will align the rest of the column with the first item’s bottom section.

At the end of designing the site, designers should always put media queries in CSS after giving value to each flex container. And see the most suitable size of the boxes that work the best in mobile or other devices.
