How to Learn CSS

Rachel Andrew

“Even if CSS is a small part of what you do (because you work elsewhere in the stack), CSS is how things end up looking as you want them on screen, so it is worth being reasonably up to date.” This quote is from How to Learn CSS, which was written by Rachel Andrew, It says that the Html is the foundation for a website, and with using CSS at the “right time” can help the website end up looking much more professional and lively. From the article, I discovered three skills of using CSS; they are language, cascade, and CSS layout.

The paragraph about the language section reminds me of the importance of using the right language to find the “right source.” The key to learn coding is self-studies, and using the appropriate language to search the solution online. It strikes me that I always feel challenging to learn to code. I remember whenever I try to code; there are always some bugs. Most of the time, I tried to solve the issue and look at the codes carefully, but I still don’t get what is wrong. I also look up the problems on the internet, but there isn’t seem to have the right solution for the issue. Then, it goes back to the original problem––language. As I began to learn to code, I don’t know the appropriate method of searching the keywords on the web page. Since I only start to learn it from the first year of sophomore without having steady background knowledge of coding. After reading the article, I realize how crucial to know and recognize the basic language of coding, so that later on, I can solve the problem more efficiently. Just like the quote explains it all, “There are some key underpinnings of the language, without which you will struggle to make sense of it. It really is worth dedicating some time to making sure you understand these things, as it will save you a lot of time and frustration in the long run.”

“The cascade defines which rule wins when a number of rules could apply to one element.” It suggests that once cascade is being typed with an HTML element, it will become the most significant command of that element. From the given example of the article, I can see that the author commands two orders for the h1 element with direct order h1 and give h1 a class. Normally, the color will change depending on the direct request for h1. However, it changes for the h1 class= “...”. It means that cascade is essential when it comes to using a complicated coding web page, and cascade is especially useful for people who use it in teamwork or at the workplace. When classmates or coworkers pass on their code to you, the fastest way to make changes without looking and memorizing their codes from their software is to use the cascade.

Lastly, I always struggle with the layout of my web page design. Whether I want to move things forward, or overlap the layers, or create the wrapping text effect. This CSS layout section is really helpful. Although I can’t remember everything just yet, every time while designing a web page, I will take a reference of this section more depth, and practice more to have a better understanding of how to create different layout wisely.
