Conditional Design

Even though sometimes people don’t get the result that they want, they learn what will or won’t work at the end of their project.

“Our work focuses on processes rather than products: things that adapt to their envirenment, emphasize change and show difference” I personally agree with the quote. A good result does not mean designers experiment and tries many other options, which means they only learn, let’s say--a method that works in that one particular or a few more similar circumstances. (but there is a high possibility that this method won’t guarantee success in many other cases or people can’t learn much from it) Only people who tried many options can have a better understanding of things--which experimentation is more close to the vision that they want. Even though in the end they failed, they gain lots of experience, which might help them to build up a good foundation in their future projects. A method that perhaps does not work in this project, but it is more suitable for other projects.

Just like people who draw every day on their sketchbook, they practice many different types of drawings whenever they can. So when it comes to holding an exhibition or draw a more refined painting, artists often know what to do since they have been practiced drawings every day. They are more proficient in the layout of the objects on the paintings or the color choice and et cetera.
