Reading 1: How to Learn CSS

First, I learned about the display:inline formatting tool. In the past, I struggled with how to use different elements like h1, h2, p, etc. in succession for their differing styles, while also not having every bit of text begin on a new line. With this formatting tool, I don’t have to compromise styling with varying text sizes for elements not starting a new line each time. The idea of an “outer and inner type” was new to me. This being that elements behave in one way with other elements, but can behave differently internally, based on how the children look. Another skill I learned through this article was the ability to choose an alternate box model. Instead of the padding and border sizes you specify adding onto the width of an element, this alternate model allows the padding and border to inset the content within your given width. This feature is interesting to me in a practical design sense. With margins being incredibly important in web design, I often find it frustrating when I can’t seem to translate what I’m envisioning with CSS padding and borders. This alternate model may be a big help. Finally, while not really a tool, learning about why selectors show up crossed out within developer tools on a browser was helpful.

2. With the incredible popularity of website-builders like Squarespace, has the impressiveness of a handmade
website made the ability to code more valuable than in the early days of the web?