Webstite Style Guild

By: Kevin Gonzalez - WEB DESIGN


Target Market

IMG Models target audience are predominatly Models, Journalist, Influencers, Fashion Experts, GenZ.


IMG is a platorm to inform fashion enthusiast and consumers on whats reloving around the fashion world. Per example, Trendy looks scandaless looks and upcoming collections. Further adding with the same intent to bring connection between model and agency. Espn is on the same in terms of purpose with the exception of bringing connection as its soley informative.


Created in Circa in 1987 by sports agent Mark McCormack for the sole purpose of becomming an international modeling angency. The website which is, www.imgmodels.com presents fantastic editorial work from various fashion and magazine campanies, as the goal of the website is to represent the top models in the world and create content like editorials and campaigns around their clients. The website is more for anyone who loves fashion as in my interpretation it is similary an alternative to VOGUE. The information provided is very informative and well sourced and very heavily visualed. If given only single words to describle the website it'l be:

IMG Model Home


IMG Models is vey upscale and professional in terms of imagery and videos featured on the website and reinforces the brands business model/image. Each page of the website when directed to ones prefer topic/sub catogory features high resolution images and videos where in some cases a text description could appear that varies from length relating to the topic of hand. The sophisticated aspect of the brands website is the layout of the page itself, which is very simple to navigate and explore.


The tone of IMG's website is somewhat consist. Most pages contain a minimal lenghth of imformation and a block of visuals.


IMG's home is very text and visual based. It preents highlights within the fashion industry as well as their clients work from past to present as per example ads, campaigns, editorials etc.



Potential Client (Mark)

As a photographer whether its in the fashion industry or advertisment it might be difficult locating notable models, espesially finding the time to see all the models past and present work if he or she is completly new to the photographer.

Hence a photographer for a an abstract design magazine company, age ranging between 20-24 has stumbled upon IMG Models website. His ideal vision for his assignment to be successful is photogrpher no more than 3 notable models who vary in effincity and who's had some sort of an abstact experience within a photoshoot session. Given that IMG provides models for agencies and clients and present past and previous work on every model they have signed, Mark examines all posiable models to determine who fits right within his vision.

Home page: Instantly he knows this is where he's going to find his ideal model because of the professionalism and quailty of work these notable models are creating.


Content pages: Engaging through various projects and collabs and editorial covers the photographer continues to be impressed that he tells his follow colleagues about the site and suggest's to them that this is the site to go to for clients or just knowlege of whats going on in fashion in general. Mark finds the navigation quite simple and interactive to use. Overall, Mark ends up hiring models like Bella Hadid, Ashley Graham and Amy Hixson to be the front page cover. Fast fowarding months later, the shoot was successful and the article was a hit and gave IMG another prominant client like Mark to work with.

Fashion Student/Intern

Alexis Holland is a junior post-grad at FIT, studying fashon design and commincations. Her fasination with fashion illustration and journalism is what got her into FIT in the first place as it's all she loves to look and do. For her core class, she's been assigned the option to find the similarites between 2 of her favorite websites or the differnces. Further, the assignment is mostly researched based, and given that she has the passion for journalism and design this assignment is no challenging task. So because of her likes in design and fashion, she searches via google "Vogue" and fashion websites. As various sites merged like Elle, Harper's Bazzar and others she wasn't quite interested in those sites because she was familiar with them. But she did stumble on IMG Models.com which was listed amoungest top 6 via google, and her curiosity pointed towards her investagating the site.

Homepage: Alexis glances over the sub catogories listed on IMG and engages with the site as she goes on a crazy ramp of clicking through stories and blogs. The information wasn't quite driven however to her but the editorials and visuals really drove her to suggest IMG to her professors and classmates.


Content pages: Alexis at this point has only been viewing the websites editorials and not so much articles. She's attracted to pictures of magazine covers more so than other photographs featured on the site and featured the same model. She also finds the layout simple to explor and navigate but really prefers topics that are relevent to her age and taste, in esensse what Diat Prada is doing.

Ultimately Alexis finally finds a site worth mentioning and depicking for her assignment as she's now focused on the differences between IMG and Vogue. She clearly saw that one had the biggest advantage than the other in different terms and she came to the conclusion the IMG offered more uniqunes and brillant elements than sites like Elle and Harpers Bazaar could have for this assignment.




IMG's website includes minimal astectics, great relevent content and great stories with visuals to read unlike some sites like GQ, Glamour, Allure and etc which have the same intent and initiative.IMG isn't perfect so perhaps taking a few points from companies that have been in the same market as them for decades can be partly of a solution as per example Vogue.com or other upscale sites in the same design appraoach and etc as IMG.
