
February 2, 2007

renren, iwant to never have an online fight again. ok? do u really think we wont b friends in 9th grade? : o i hope not!!!!

love ya,


P.S. did u get my e cards? send 1 2 me

Re: Callie in the Office

February 15, 2007

hey kelli, I LOVE UR CATTTTTT!!!!! ; ) take that as a complement. its sooooooooooo cute!!!!!! OMG!!!!! ( stands for oh my gosh) love esther(essie)


June 6, 2007

hey irena,
so, i mean, i felt relly bad about today...(day bfore js bday) u seemed 2 feel relly left out...i mean, i really wanna play w/ u, but my stupid mom took j 2 his baseball game + my dad wuz @ the studio, so my overprotective mom said not 2 leave the house and dont anser the door and blah blah blah. when u called i was so frikin bored and i felt relly bad that i couldnt play w/ u. and im relly srry becuz i new u felt dissapointed. then wen my mom got bak i asked 2 play w/ u but shes like no, we gotta go drop j off @ lincolns bday party. after we did that i asked if we cud go bak home and play w/ u again and she sid no again cuz we had 2 go 2 toys r us to buy j a stupid DS for his bday. then AFTER THAAAAAATT we went 2 macys to by a dress for the promotional ceromony. so on the way back home, i thought i cud FINALLY play w/ u but then kristina called and asked 2 have a sleepover and so i sad yes cuz its kinda rude 2 say no, + thats why i cudint play w/ u. im srry. love esther.