Summer Job

May 11, 2011

Hi Anne,

Thank you for letting me work at your business last summer. As you know, I was hoping that I could again this coming summer. I understand that last year I just sort of asked you to do it informally; and I think that, in agreement with you, I should "apply" this time (in my parent's words).
I don't really have much planned this summer in terms of camp or anything. I'll be spending a lot of time at home. I think working at the letterpress would be a good opportunity for me, as it was last year. Not only is it better-spent free time for me, but hopefully, it's an extra pair of hands for you. I also would like to have this job for upcoming events; my Italian class will be going to Italy next year in April, and my parents said I have to pay for one third of the expense, roughly a thousand dollars.
I hope that in being hired by you and doing a more thorough and formal job this summer, I can prove to you and my parents that I am capable of contributing to more "adult" responsibilities. By saying, "doing a more thorough and formal job", I mean (among many things, like working harder, etc.) helping you to kick off your card line. I'm sorry that we never got around to it last year. As always, I have drawings (and paintings, if that's possible) that I made at LaGuardia this year that we can use. I also keep a personal sketchbook with a bunch of card-usable drawings.
Finally, I hope that if you do decide to hire me again, it's not because we're close family friends, or that I'm a kid or anything. If you decide to hire me, I hope that it's because you were content with my performance last year and that you actually want me to come back this time.

You can email or call me.

Great to hear from you!
Would love to have you on board....

Let me think about hours and days...
when are you free to start and end?

Hi Anne,

Sorry about the late response. I'm not really going to be doing much this summer. I'll be going away, but I don't know when. I can email you when I know for sure. I was thinking, when I'm in the city, I could work from like 10-3, Mon-Fri like last year? Let me know.

tomorrow dr appt.

August 12, 2011

Your annual check up is tomorrow in Tribecca at 5:45. Do you want to come hear and hang and then we can go together?

Also, I really think you should get the Gardisil shot - I speak as a wise (old) woman and know you will most likely get the cancer-causing HPV virus at some point. Please take it; you are fortunate they are offering it.

Please call my cell when you get this.

i love you,


last one

August 8, 2011


Welcome, sweetie.