(no subject)

October 17, 2013

it turns out that i need 10 peices for the young arts app
the deadline is tomorrow night, and if you dont wanna stress out about it i wont apply
its really not a big deal and ill have other opportunities to get scholarships so really no stress
can we just tell mom i applied tho if u dont wanna take the pictures because if she finds out about this shell freak out and be really mad at both of us so yeah
im really sorry i hope youre not mad at me

(no subject)

September 6, 2013

Why I want to be an Illustrator (or not)

August 23, 2013

This is Esther Klingbiel from you afternoon portfolio class.

When I signed up for illustration as my major for the pre-college program, I don't think I knew what I was getting myself into--not that the class is too overwhelming, but more that I was expecting something different. Through my trial and error, I now know what illustration entails; it's telling a story through a drawing.

When I think of illustration, I imagine picture books or the New York Times Op-Ed page. The picture accompanies the story, and to be honest, I'm not completely sure I like that. I would want my art to stand on its own, and while some people may disagree, I feel that illustration's main purpose is to accompany a story, to bring it to life.

If I could go back and change my major, I think I would choose graphic design. Part of why I love to make art comes from setting up the composition of something; where things go on a page, colors used, negative space. I love the way symmetry looks, and I particularly like to design my work around the colors and themes I use. I think this shows in my portfolio.

As for the future, to say for sure what I want to do would simply be inaccurate-- ideally, I would go into the field of graphic design. While I would love to be an independent artist, I could see myself working in advertising or logo and website design.

I like to make many types of art, to me it is soothing and rewarding. The question is through what medium I can best express my personal style. So far, it is through ink. However, in college I would like to explore the other options I have in the art world, as my adult life draws nearer every day.


You're right: there's a difference between illustration and graphic design. The former is literal, the latter symbolic (or abstract). But that's not to say graphic design doesn't represent something. If anything, it represents a company or product in the most succinct terms possible--think, for instance, of a corporation logo or a magazine advertisement. In those terms, design could be thought of as a form of illustration. Be that as it may, I want to commend you for a well organized and thought-through--logical, really--statement.

Good luck.

