plant drawings

August 3, 2015

Birthday party reminder...

April 20, 2015

Dear Friends--

If you are receiving this email it means we haven't heard from you regarding Eileen's 60th birthday bash on May 2nd at her house at 548 State street. Please let us know yea or nay, so we can continue planning food, drinks, etc. We hope to see you all there, of course!

Best, Karl

is that a saturday


Oh, so happy you will come!

I miss you so much!

Love, dad

dad you replied to your own reply lol
but yes i will come im pretty sure

I did? How odd! Yes, we really hope you can come. Don't tell her I told you, but Eileen brought you a little present from the trip she took with her mom to Vienna. I think the party will be fun. Lots of my old friends who haven't seen you in a long time would love to see you again. I have a little gifty for you too, from SF. Love you! Dad


February 11, 2015

Hi Esther,

I am long over due in getting these photos to you. I’ve copied your dad on this as I’m not sure I actually have your correct email address and I don’t have Julian’s so please share these with him as well. Also, I apologize for the quality. If you want any of these in higher res let me know. I didn’t want to send a huge file.

I hope things are well with you. I’d love to see more of your work as it develops. You have great talent!

I had such a great time with you and Julian here. I hope we can repeat the adventure in the future.


Hi Nina,

Thanks for these photos, they're great! I want to thank you again for your wonderful hospitality. California is amazing (the weather here makes me miss it!), and I hope to see you, Craig and Max soon, whether it's in California or here. Say hi to everyone!
