Excuse Clock is the perfect application for procrastinators, providing you with a new excuse for each hour of every day of the week.

View project HERE.
Download Chrome Extension HERE.

Changes by hour: Every hour, a new excuse appears. The only exception is nighttime hours (from 11 PM - 5 AM).

Changes by day: Every day, the background color of the webpage changes, as well as the size of the typeface that displays the excuses. This is meant to convey a creeping sense of urgency to meet a deadline; on Mondays, the text is smallest and the background color is green, to evoke a feeling of having the whole week to get something done. As the week progresses, the background color gradually changes towards red and the text gets bigger, as a subconscious reminder that you're not doing the things you need to get done.​​​​​​​

Weekly Event: On Sundays, the background color changes from a single, static color to a flashing red and black animation, meant to evoke a kind of alarm and panic. From 6 PM to 11 PM, the text reads, "WHY DIDN'T YOU DO YOUR WORK?!?!?!!?!?!?"

Monday, 2pm

Monday, 7pm

Tuesday, 2pm

Wednesday, 10am

Thursday, 6am

Thursday, 11am

Thursday, 1pm

Thursday, 2pm

Friday, 11am

Friday, 2pm

Friday, 5pm

Saturday, 2pm

Saturday, 3pm

Saturday, 5pm