Concept: Vicky Chau, Esther Klingbiel, Forrest Pelsue
Layout design: Vicky Chau, Esther Klingbiel
Content curation and collection: Forrest Pelsue

This collaborative project was designed for the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris. It compiles source material from the same time period of the interior design of a specific period room, the Salle à Manger, designed by Louis Süe and Andre Mare in 1921.

The small insert in the journal is meant to be found for free at the location of the room in the museum.

Sizes: A3, 10" x 14", 5.85" x 11"
Page count: 14
Binding: None (folded)
Typefaces: Karla, Fairfield LT STD

Video Concept: Vicky Chau, Esther Klingbiel
Production and filming: Vicky Chau, Esther Klingbiel
Script: Forrest Pelsue
Editing: Vicky Chau, Esther Klingbiel