
As someone who tends to spend a lot of time procrastinating, I wanted to create a clock that rationalizes these habits by providing the user with a different excuse every hour of each day to not do their work.

Clock Features

Changes by hour

Every hour, a new excuse appears. The only exception are nighttime hours (from 11 PM - 5 AM).

Here is an example for the excuse logic and styling for one of the days:

Changes by Day

Every day, the background color of the webpage changes, as well as the size of the typeface that displays the excuses. This is meant to convey a creeping sense of urgency to meet a deadline; on Mondays, the text is smallest and the background color is green, to evoke a feeling of having the whole week to get something done. As the week progresses, the background color gradually changes towards red and the text gets bigger, as a subconsious reminder that you're not doing the things you need to get done.

Weekly Event

On Sundays, the day I tend to scramble to finish all my work, the background color changes from a single, static color to a flashing red and black animation, meant to evoke a kind of alarm and panic. From 6 PM to 11 PM, the text reads, "WHY DIDN'T YOU DO YOUR WORK?!?!?!!?!?!?", something I ask myself a lot at that time.