Yujin Son

    Week 2

  1. Website Analysis*

    Week 3

  2. landing page— links to your assignments and a picture next to your name.
  3. HTML markup of Analysis
  4. Worksheet: behind the scenes on creative process for midterm (7 steps)*:

    Week 4

  5. Portfolio exhibiting the CSS selections
  6. HTML Wire Frame from PhotoShop comp

    Week 5

  7. incorporate CSS Layout Strategies in web site

    Week 6

  8. Quiz
  9. Peer Review Notes / Advice

    Week 7

  10. Typography Poster
  11. Finished Midterm: Portfolio

    Week 8

  12. Final Worksheet*

    Week 9

  13. Responsive Redesign of Portfolio

    Week 10

  14. CSS3 Collateral
  15. Class Exercise

    Week 11

  16. CSS3 Animatics
  17. Class Exercise

    Week 12

  18. Final: Modular Navigation

    Week 13

  19. Multimedia Demonstration

    Week 14

  20. Forms
  21. Peer Review Notes / Advice

    Week 15

  22. Final