what is important for Well-Being?

The subjective dimension of wellbeing has been reported to be composed of an individual’s experience of their life.

Wellbeing was also mentioned in the context of balance and harmonious relationships, relatedness, and honouring inherent obligations.

“The United Nations system and states should recognize that Indigenous peoples will define their own understandings and visions of well-being from which indicators will be identified, and include the full participation of Indigenous peoples in the development of these indicators.”

Quote from a Canadian Indigenous Tribe Elder

“Cultural wellbeing [is], all that we were given when we first came to the face of the earth by the Creator, [everything] that the Creator gave us when we were born…[and] maturing into…a responsible adult. And doing what you are supposed to be doing–teaching–learning to teach is the intended purpose for us to live in harmony with us and all of creation…there is a way to take the negatives of what has happened to us and turn it into a positive. That would really help with harmony, culturally not forget that there is a purpose to our life that the Creator gave you.”
