Final 7 Step Worksheet

Step 1: Develop Your Idea

I want to have a space that can showcase different poems, both by me and ones that I find interesting! It can act as an archive– showing the different interests and progressions of the styles and topics of poems that I am drawn to.

Step 2: Discovery and Research

Most of the poetry websites that I have been looking at, such as Poetry Foundation and are more of a collection of poems, with specific themes, structures, and authors, which is good for their purpose of looking up poems, but I want to create something that is more personal and curated

Hello Poetry

A screenshot Hello Poetry Homepage A screenshot of Smile Homepage A screenshot of Angry Homepage A screenshot of Awww Homepage A screenshot of Afraid Homepage

This website is an experimental website that has a number of poems that correlate with different themes, such as mood and emojis! I like the way you can filter the poems and want to see if I can implement a creative hook like they did.

Step 3: Target Your Audience

The website is another way to illustrate and archive the poems that I have written or have interested me. It is like a personal poetry book. Ideally, people can come to this website as a source of inspiration or as another creative medium for me.

Step 4: Inspiration

Photo of my moodboard

I am huge fan of Chia Amisola and I want to have the same "odd" and unique aesthetic that they captured in their personal website. I want to continue the "digital" or pseudo-tech aesthetic for this poetry archive.

Step 5: Thumbnails + Sketches

Photo of the possible layout ideas

Step 6: Photoshop Composition

Photo of the Photoshop Composition

Step 7: Responsive Mockup

Photo of my mock up