


For this assignment I wanted to portray a certain hierarchy of the sites that stood out to me during my trip. In order to choose which buildings, sculptures, or locations I would add into this drawing, I searched through my photos and drew which ones immediately popped in my mind. The top was the bench and the Sea glass carousel. Both sites were both so vivid. The bench in the Brooklyn Water Front park was just this bright orange color and the artist spread them through out the park, contorting the benches in any way he pleased. The Sea glass carousel was also unusual as it spun in several different directions. I also never really though of carousels only being composed of fish.

The next I began to draw buildings we saw at Fulton Downtown Brooklyn, Vinegar Hill and Brooklyn Heights. The sites were interesting and I could remember pretty clearly how calming the walk was unlike walks through Manhattan.

The last piece was the Manhattan Skyline we saw on the Staten Island boat cruise. I decided to make this the most faded because it’s the most disconnected I felt with the city. It’s just so far away and intangible that I don’t really remember much. Being so far away, you can’t really get a sense of the New York atmosphere.