Maddie Chadwick


Majoring in Communication Design

I hope to learn the interaction principles and gain the skill set to build a visually engaging website. I aim to experiment with various software platforms, techniques and visual elements to create projects that translate to the screen. I would like to use this opportunity to build a portfolio of my work while encouraging the development of my own style and brand. Through this exploration, I hope to create a web experience that is both functional and unique to my personal and career aspirations.


Date DuePercent
Week 2Website Analysis 5%
Week 3Midterm Worksheet (8 Steps)5%
Week 3Responsive Mockup5%
Week 3CSS Selection Exercise5%
Week 4Grid Exersize 5%
First Quarter Assessment25%
Week 5Responsive Wireframe5%
Week 5Code Portfolio Front Page5%
Week 5Quiz
Week 6Typography Poster 1 & 2 5%
Week 7Current Topic Website5%
Week 8Portfolio 5%
Second Quarter Assessment 25%
Week 9Final: Worksheet5%
Week 10Final: CSS3 Collateral5%
Week 11Final: CSS3 Animatic5%
Week 12Final: HTML/CSS5%
Week 12Final: Modular Navigation5%
Third Quarter Assessment25%
Week 13Final: Multimedia5%
Week 13Final: Alternatives5%
Week 13Final: Peer Review5%
Week 14Final: Forms5%
Week 15Alternative5%
Final Quarter Assessment25%
Week 15Final: Presentation10%
Two assignments dropped:-10%
List of sources and services used

Open A.I. Conversation

How will artificial intelligence affect the future of graphic design?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to significantly impact the future of graphic design in several ways, transforming both the creative process and the industry as a whole. Here are some key areas where AI will make a difference:

Are websites important for getting a job in graphic design?

Yes, websites can be very important for getting a job in graphic design. Here are a few reasons why:

In summary, having a well-designed website can significantly enhance your job prospects in graphic design by showcasing your skills, increasing your visibility, and presenting you as a professional.

How do I start building a website?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to significantly impact the future of graphic design in several ways, transforming both the creative process and the industry as a whole. Here are some key areas where AI will make a difference:

What do clients look for in a graphic designer’s website?

When clients are looking at a graphic designer's website, they generally look for a few key elements:

Overall, the website should reflect the designer’s creativity and professionalism, making it easy for potential clients to see what they can offer and how to get in touch.

How can I make my professional website stand out to clients?

Making your professional website stand out to clients involves a combination of strong visual design, clear communication, and effective branding. Here are some strategies to help your website make a memorable impression:

By focusing on these areas, you can create a professional website that not only stands out visually but also effectively communicates your value and engages potential clients.