Rebecca Foote

Origami and the art of folding is a major inspiration of mine, as well as the idea of rigid structures. I much enjoy the physical handcraft of making, and have let my materials guide my research and development. My thesis is still a work in progress, as is this website, but below is a peek into what I have been working on.

Arts-and-crafts, but make it chic.


I began folding and unfolding origami to examine the structures and fold patterns.


I looked at artists like Dorothoea Rockburne, who has explored folding in fine art; Jacob Hashimoto, who creates installations consisting of hundreds of bamboo and paper kites; and Christo (and his late wife Jeanne-Claude), who creates large scale projects like covering buildings and momuments in fabric.

Making and draping inspired by the internal structures and mechanisms of objects like kites, umbrellas, and tents.

*flat photos of the fused folded pieces*

Various fabrics fused together, cut into squares, then folded and pressed in different patterns.


Draping with the square and sewn, garment-like pieces to experiment with shape and form.

To be continued:)
