Website Analysis

1. What do you hope to achieve this semester?

I hope to learn the basics of HTML and CSS to serve as a jumping off point for further personal research later on. I hope to be able to understand code and what each section does by just looking at it. Ultimately I want to create interactive websites that showcase my work in a creative, eye catching way.

Museum of Modern GIFs

momg.comVisit the Gif Gallery!

2. What do you notice about this website?

  1. No particular organization of GIFs, GIFs are all different sizes
  2. It treats you like a real patron of a museum, with a bench and small doors to go through
  3. It counts how many doors you've walked through and you can't easily go back one or two doors
  4. The door is in a different place every time you leave
  5. Frames are mismatched
  6. The background and text is super minimal, font is HTML default, evoking old school internet
  7. The URL has "neocities" in it, suggesting it is authentically old school internet
  8. The music is unpleasant, but I like the idea of having music

3. Website style guide

What is the intent of the website?

The intent of my website is to set itself apart from modern web design visually and with its content. I want it to be strikingly different and intriguing.

What is the voice of the website?

The voice of the website is very conversational. Just like the Museum of Modern GIFs, I want it to be very self aware and designed as if someone is walking through a space I've curated. I also want to convey my interest in other's stories so maybe I want to add an interactive element that adds to the conversational aspect of the website.

What is the tone of the website?

The tone of the website will fluctuate between more serious and more whimsical as my work is displayed. I want to have a page for each medium (photo, video, writing, sculpture etc) and the tone/look of each page will be slightly different.

How does the website establish its brand?

I think my brand is collaboration and community, so I want to establish this via interactive elements throughout the website and nods at the viewer, like in Museum of Moving GIFs.s
