Fashion Design Major
Fashion Communication minor

What I hope to gain from this class is a solid foundation in coding, as well as the confidence to approach it without fear. Currently, coding feels complex and intimidating to me, but I’m eager to learn because I know it’s essential for the future and will be valuable for my career. Additionally, I want to learn coding and web design to bring my ideas and creativity to life in a way that truly reflects my vision, allowing me to present my work uniquely and effectively.

Assignment Links

Date DuePercent
Week 2Website Analysis 5%
Week 3Midterm Worksheet (8 Steps)5%
Week 3Responsive Mockup5%
Week 3CSS Selection Exercise 5%
Week 4Grid Exersize 5%
First Quarter Assessment25%
Week 5Responsive Wireframe5%
Week 5Code Portfolio Front Page5%
Week 5Quiz
Week 6Typography Poster 5%
Week 7Current Topic Website5%
Week 8Portfolio: Class Presentation 5%
Second Quarter Assessment 25%
Week 9Final: Worksheet5%
Week 10Final: CSS3 Collateral5%
Week 11Final: CSS3 Animatic5%
Week 12Final: HTML/CSS5%
Week 12Final: Modular Navigation5%
Third Quarter Assessment25%
Week 13Final: Multimedia5%
Week 13Final: Alternatives5%
Week 13Final: Peer Review5%
Week 14Final: Forms5%
Week 15Alternative5%
Final Quarter Assessment25%
Week 15Final: Presentation10%
Two assignments dropped:-10%
List of sources and services used