Dakoda Hughes

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dakoduhtube@gmail.com ↵

BFA Thesis ↵

Book Design System ↵

Tangible Motion Graphics ↵

Book as Algorithm ↵

Modular Exhibition Graphic ↵

Interactive Book ↵

Web-Based Tool ↵

Interactive Book:
Vivian Maier

Vivian Maier was a street photographer whose body of work was not found until after her death. Her portraits are striking, emotionally raw, and unapolegetically intimate, often times bordering on intrusive.

In this book I designed as a commemorative restrospective of her photography, I inverted the entirety of the book, leaving black pages and photo negatives. In order to engage the work, the user must use their phone camera + color inverse setting as a way of uncovering the photos.

Through this simple gesture, the user performs the role of an archivalist, forcing them to slow down, to indulge each image consciously, and to reawaken the intimacy within the images.

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