04 How CSS Works ( w3.org)

CSS takes a source document, organized as a tree of elements and text nodes, and renders it onto a canvas(such as your screen, a piece of paper, or an audio stream). To do this, it generates an intermediary structure, the box tree, which represents the formatting structure of the rendered document. Each box in the box treerepresents its corresponding element (or pseudo-element) in space and/or time on the canvas, while each text run in the box tree likewise represents the contents of its corresponding text nodes.

To create the box tree, CSS first uses cascading and inheritance, to assign a computed value for each CSS property to each element and text node in the source tree. (See [CSS3-CASCADE].)

Then, for each element, CSS generates zero or more boxes as specified by that element’s display property. Typically, an element generates a single box, the principal box, which represents itself and contains its contents in the box tree. However, some display values (e.g. display: list-item) generate more than one box (e.g. a principal block box and a child marker box). And some values (such as none or contents) cause the elementand/or its descendants to not generate any boxes at all. Boxes are often referred to by their display type—e.g. a box generated by an element with display: block is called a “block box” or just a “block”.

A box is assigned the same styles as its generating element, unless otherwise indicated. In general, inherited properties are assigned to the principal box, and then inherit through the box tree to any other boxes generated by the same element. Non-inherited properties default to applying to the principal box, but when the element generates multiple boxes, are sometimes defined to apply to a different box: for example, the border properties applied to a table element are applied to its table grid box, not to its principal table wrapper box. If the value computation process alters the styles of those boxes, and the element’s style is requested (such as through getComputedStyle()), the element reflects, for each property, the value from the box to which that property was applied.

Similarly, each contiguous sequence of sibling text nodes generates a text run containing their text contents, which is assigned the same styles as the generating text nodes. If the sequence contains no text, however, it does not generate a text run.

In constructing the box tree, boxes generated by an element are descendants of the principal box of any ancestor elements. In the general case, the direct parent box of an element’s principal box is the principal box of its nearest ancestor element that generates a box; however, there are some exceptions, such as for run-inboxes, display types (like tables) that generate multiple container boxes, and intervening anonymous boxes.

An anonymous box is a box that is not associated with any element. Anonymous boxes are generated in certain circumstances to fix up the box tree when it requires a particular nested structure that is not provided by the boxes generated from the element tree. For example, a table cell box requires a particular type of parent box (the table row box), and will generate an anonymous table row box around itself if its parent is not a table row box. (See [CSS2] § 17.2.1.) Unlike element-generated boxes, whose styles inherit strictly through the element tree, anonymous boxes (which only exist in the box tree) inherit through their box tree parentage.

In the course of layout, boxes and text runs can be broken into multiple fragments. This happens, for example, when an inline box and/or text run is broken across lines, or when a block box is broken across pages or columns, in a process called fragmentation. It can also happen due to bidi reordering of text (see Applying the Bidirectional Reorderign Algorithm in CSS Writing Modes) or higher-level display type box splitting, e.g. block-in-inline splitting (see CSS2§9.2) or column-spanner-in-block splitting (see CSS Multi-column Layout). A boxtherefore consists of one or more box fragments, and a text run consists of one or more text fragments. See [CSS3-BREAK] for more information on fragmentation.

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