03 Homework

  • Starting From Scratch, Part 2: CSS
  • Don’t Fear Specificity

Quiz part 1

  1. Complete the Selection Worksheet (quiz 1)
  2. Open up the worksheet, right-click and show page source. Select all. Copy and paste into a blank Brackets document. Save as quiz-1.html and follow instructions. You will be writing CSS. Do not change the HTML.

Marking Up the Midterm

Designing for the web has 8 steps. The last step is a PhotoShop comp for desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. Write the content and mark up your portfolio site. Collect and prepare any pictures you plan on using, so you can be ready to apply the CSS layout covered next week.

Finish up your previous assignments if you have not done so already.

Grading Criteria

I will be grading you on levels of confidence, consistency, creativity, innovation, precision, accuracy, efficiency and the ingenuity by which you are able to solve the problems.

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