08 Portfolio Presentation

Congratulations on completing your projects. Even if you’re not totally done/things are broken, present what you have and talk through your design decisions and code, starting with first assignment, eight steps, typography poster, issue website, and last but not least, your portfolio where you sell yourself to the rest of the class. As long as you’re in class, presenting your project, you’re welcome to resubmit it by the end of the semester.


I will assign in class a first responder (1R), second responder (2R), and notetaker (N). The first responder (1R) will kick off our discussion as soon as the presenter has finished sharing their work, covering design issues. The second responder (2R) will add, subtract, and expand on the first responder, focusing on the code. The notetaker will listen carefully and document the highlights of the critique in a class document for later reflection by the presenter. Class engagement is a requirement, so let us all work together to make each one of us the best that they can possibly be.

When critiquing, these are the questions that need to be considered:

  • Design considerations:

    1. Does the portfolio stand out?
    2. How would the target audience respond. Contextualize your answer.
    3. What is the narrative? Could the story be told better?
    4. How is the graphic design? Scale? White space? Typography?
    5. What is the inspiration/research behind it, How is the content supported?
    6. Do the layout and navigation support the goals for viewing the collection?
  • Code Considerations:

    1. Is the markup valid and semantically correct HTML5 ?
    2. Are images the correct format and size ?
    3. Are UX concerns driving the design process ?
    4. Are all 7 steps articulated in the design process for portfolio and final ?
    5. Is the CSS valid, clean, external, and using structural selectors wherever possible ?
    6. Are various layout strategies used to construct the layout ? Document Flow ? Positioning ? Floats ? Flex Box ? CSS Grid ?
    7. Is the website responsive to a change in viewport size, from smart phone to the standard web browser ?

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