08 Portfolio Presentation

Congratulations on completing your projects. Even if you’re not totally done/things are broken, present what you have and talk through your design decisions and code, starting with first assignment, eight steps, typography poster, issue website, and last but not least, your portfolio where you sell yourself to the rest of the class. As long as you’re in class, presenting your project, you’re welcome to resubmit it by the end of the semester.


I will assign in class a first responder (1R), second responder (2R), and notetaker (N). The first responder (1R) will kick off our discussion as soon as the presenter has finished sharing their work, covering design issues. The second responder (2R) will add, subtract, and expand on the first responder, focusing on the code. The notetaker will listen carefully and document the highlights of the critique in a class document for later reflection by the presenter. Class engagement is a requirement, so let us all work together to make each one of us the best that they can possibly be.

When critiquing, these are the questions that need to be considered:

  • Design considerations:

    1. Does the portfolio stand out?
    2. How would the target audience respond. Contextualize your answer.
    3. What is the narrative? Could the story be told better?
    4. How is the graphic design? Scale? White space? Typography?
    5. What is the inspiration/research behind it, How is the content supported?
    6. Do the layout and navigation support the goals for viewing the collection?
  • Code Considerations:

    1. Is the markup valid and semantically correct HTML5 ?
    2. Are images the correct format and size ?
    3. Are UX concerns driving the design process ?
    4. Are all 7 steps articulated in the design process for portfolio and final ?
    5. Is the CSS valid, clean, external, and using structural selectors wherever possible ?
    6. Are various layout strategies used to construct the layout ? Document Flow ? Positioning ? Floats ? Flex Box ? CSS Grid ?
    7. Is the website responsive to a change in viewport size, from smart phone to the standard web browser ?

08 How is the Final Graded?

To generate a general assessment of your performance and participation in class, on the midterm, and on the final, I will:

  • Look for originality (surprise me)
  • Check the code
  • Check for completeness of the assignments and the efficacy of the communication.
  • Look for overall improvement

The checklist I perform:

  • Make overall assessment, checking off the assessable tasks set forth in the syllabus. Is the HTML valid and semantically correct HTML5? Centralized style sheet? (there should be no local or embedded styles). Etc.
  • How responsive are the Final and Midterm?
  • Are there sufficient pages to represent a professional website? You do not need to actually build the site but need to build enough pages to represent how the full site would look and function.
  • Does it work in Firefox, Safari and Chrome? (If you know it works best in one or another browser, tell me.)
  • Check the code using W3.org’s Markup Validation Service. I can tolerate a few issues but the code should be error free.
  • Inspect the code as written for irregularities introduced by copying code and making it the basis of your code. It is OK to do some copying, borrowing, and stealing but not OK to rely on that. It is easy to tell if the code has been written or borrowed as all kinds of habits that I do not cover creep in.
  • Check all of the older assignments for completeness

I create a preliminary grade based on the above criteria. After having gone though each student’s work I will have a feel for how the class performed as a whole. I go through the work again and adjust each student’s grade on the class curve if need be. I also consider each student’s background and expertise. I may be more gentle with a non-Parsons student when it comes to visual design, for example.

An A requires attention to all of the above criteria. A B means that you completed your work, but were found lacking in execution.

A C is likely if work is missing or incomplete.

A D or F reflects a lot of missing or incomplete work.

Email me if you think that I failed to perform a fair assessment.

08 Final Assignment

If the first assignment was to sell yourself, the final assignment is to sell anything other than yourself. Create a professional looking website that sells something. It can be a product such as jewelry, a service such as a restaurant, or something abstract such as an opinion or issue. Please use existing work from projects you have completed in other classes. That way you have well thought out content.

  1. There is a lot of leeway on this assignment. Please use it. Don’t be literal. Selling something allows you can find other websites selling the same thing. You will need to follow the Designing for the Web (7 steps) article and research what you are selling.
  2. The criteria is that it look professional.
  3. Students do their most creative work when they’re motivated by the work itself. Choose a final project that will motivate you to do your best work.
  4. The final project should persuade me (to give you a good grade).
  5. Focus on the User’s eXperience and site organization
  6. General Formal Proficiency
  7. Typographic Proficiency
  8. Creative Use of technology
  9. Quality of documentation
  10. Don’t be shy. Be bold! Be playful! Be emotional! Whatever it takes to grab your audience’s attention. Make them want to come along.
  11. I am here to help you realize your final.
    If you have questions, ask me.
  12. I am always surprised by the number of students who do not ask me when they are having problems. This happens a lot. The reason, I think, is that the answers can be found in both in the book and on this website. Students think they can figure it out on their own. The problem here is that there is so much information that it’s not always easy to connect up with what you need at that moment. So you get stuck and instead of overcoming your limitations you problem solve within them, which is not the best approach.

    Do not hesitate. Ask me if you have questions. I am here to help!

  13. You can also book time at the Learning Center. How to make an appointment. and schedule an appointment.. They can help you understand and overcome the problems you are facing, help you code your final project, and keep you organized and working.
  14. The biggest obstacles is procrastination. It will catch up with you. I see it happen every semester. Some of you will have more important things to do and postpone working on the final till the end. The result is always an insufficiently developed final. Post your progress each week so I can follow your work.
  15. Come up with a proposal for your final project and create a new work-sheet. Specify what you are going to sell and how you are going to sell it, research how you plan to be successful in selling it, and develop a strategy based on the target audience. This is due next week!
  16. You will have the rest of the semester to finish the project. Next week we focus on making your portfolio responsive so that it works in all media. At the same time, you need to research and come up with the topic for your final and be prepared to defend it in class.
  17. Homework from here on out is divided into two parts. One part concerns the unit and the other part concerns the final project.

Your final site needs to be close to finished by week 14 for peer review. Do not procrastinate. Make your final a project you can be proud of.

15 Final Grade Calculation

Final Grade Calculation

The final grade adds up to a possible 110%, allowing some leeway in the satisfactory completion of all assignments, as long as the student attends and participates in class. 3 Absences are ground for Failure.

* Does not require coding. No Late Assignments accepted.

Send me a zipped version of your final project before the due day, 5 days after the last class.

Grade calculation:

Date Due Percent
2/6/15 Website Analysis* 5%
2/13/15 Landing Page 5%
2/13/15 HTML markup of Analysis 5%
2/20/15 7 Steps — Midterm Worksheet* 5%
2/27/15 CSS selections 5%
2/27/15 Photoshop comp/ HTML Wire Frame 5%
First Quarter Assessment
2/27/15 incorporate CSS Layout Strategies in web site 5%
2/27/15 Quiz:
3/6/15 Peer Review 5%
Official Midterm Review
3/13/15 Typography Poster 5%
3/13/15 Portfolio: Midterm 10%
3/13/15 class Presentation 5%
Second Quarter Assessment
3/20/15 Final: Worksheet* 5%
4/3/15 Responsive Redesign of Portfolio 5%
4/10/15 CSS3 Collateral 5%
4/17/15 CSS3 Animatic 5%
4/24/15 Final: Modular Navigation 5%
Third Quarter Assessment
5/1/15 HTML5 Multimedia 5%
5/8/15 Final: Peer Review 5%
5/8/15 Forms 5%
5/15/15 WordPress CMS 5%
15/15/15 Final: Presentation 5%
Final Quarter Assessment
Two assignments dropped: -10%
Total: 100%

Assessable Tasks

Assessable Tasks

Assessable tasks are those core tasks required to create modern web design.

Tasks / Activities Date Requirements/Indicators
Marking-up Content Week 2 Is the markup valid and semantically correct HTML5?
Styling the Content Week 4 Is the CSS valid, clean, and using structural selectors when possible? Are various layout strategies used to construct the pages? Using CSS grids and/or flexbox is a requirement.
Constructing the Portfolio Site Week 6 Information Architecture Is the site logically laid out? Is it SEO friendly? Is the typography exciting? are fonts imported?
Is the web site Future Proof? Week 8 Is the website responsive to a change in viewport size, from an iPhone to the standard web browser?
Explore CSS3 and HTML5 Week 9-11 Are CSS3 used to create a unique final website?
Modularity and Interactivity Week 12-14 Are PHP and/or Javascript being used in the final website?
Forms Week 14 Does it have a submission form?

15 Final Presentation

Week 15

Final exhibition of your work. Class discussion, critique and celebration of your new found powers to build anything you can dream of, on the web. Show your final, walk us through your code. What was the most difficult/frustrating part of the project? What was the most rewarding?


Final Assessment:

Class Evaluation

  • 15 minutes to fill out the course evaluation.


Additional materials for this unit can be found by following these links:


The goal of this unit is to:

  • provide each student with the time to exhibit their work to the rest of the class.
  • receive feedback from everyone.
  • to celebrate that you have learned a new and imminently usable skill and now belong to the modern world wide web culture.


At the end of this unit, students will have:

  • spent about ten minutes each presenting their final assignment.
  • expressed the UX and IA decisions that went into the project
  • explained the problems they set out to solve
  • show the way that they tackled those problems.
  • used the work-sheets to help present and express themselves.


These are the general criteria that The Webby Awards use to evaluate web sites. You should be familiar with them.

Content is the information provided on the site. It is not just text but music, sound, animation, or video — anything that communicates a sites body of knowledge. Good content should be engaging, relevant, and appropriate for the audience. You can tell it’s been developed for the Web because it’s clear and concise and it works in the medium. Good content takes a stand. It has a voice, a point of view. It may be informative, useful, or funny but it always leaves you wanting more.
Structure and Navigation
Structure and navigation refers to the framework of a site, the organization of content, the prioritization of information, and the method in which you move through the site. Sites with good structure and navigation are consistent, intuitive and transparent. They allow you to form a mental model of the information provided, where to find things, and what to expect when you click. Good navigation gets you where you want to go quickly and offers easy access to the breadth and depth of the site’s content.
Visual Design
Visual design is the appearance of the site. It’s more than just a pretty homepage and it doesn’t have to be cutting edge or trendy. Good visual design is high quality, appropriate, and relevant for the audience and the message it is supporting. It communicates a visual experience and may even take your breath away.
Functionality is the use of technology on the site. Good functionality means the site works well. It loads quickly, has live links, and any new technology used is functional and relevant for the intended audience. The site should work cross-platform and be browser independent. Highly functional sites anticipate the diversity of user requirements from file size, to file format and download speed. The most functional sites also take into consideration those with special access needs. Good functionality makes the experience center stage and the technology invisible.
Interactivity is the way that a site allows you to do something. Good interactivity is more than a rollover or choosing what to click on next; it allows you, as a user, to give and receive. It insists that you participate, not spectate.
It’s input/output, as in searches, chat rooms, e-commerce and gaming or notification agents, peer-to-peer applications and real-time feedback. It’s make your own, distribute your own, or speak your mind so others can see, hear or respond. Interactive elements are what separates the Web from other media. Their inclusion should make it clear that you aren’t reading a magazine or watching TV anymore.
Overall Experience
Demonstrating that sites are frequently more — or less than the sum of their parts, the overall experience encompasses content, structure and navigation, visual design, functionality, and interactivity but it also includes the intangibles that make one stay or leave. One has probably had a good overall experience if (s)he comes back regularly, places a bookmark, signs up for a newsletter, participates, emails the site to a friend, or stays for a while, intrigued.

15 Parting Essay

You now know a lot more about CSS and HTML than you did when you walked in. It was difficult to first wrap your head around how this new language worked. You had to practice coding. Once you shed the obvious mistakes, coding HTML and CSS proved to be not nearly so difficult as you had first imagined. With the confidence you’ve gained you are hopefully liberated in your design sensibilities and impose it upon the code, and not the other way around. Make the code work for you.

If you’ve become really good at HTML and CSS you can give back and offer your services at the University Learning Center

Keep yourself in the loop of the continually evolving web by paying attention to what the browsers are doing, like Google Chrome Developer and Mozilla Developer.

Know that the web will be the next computing platform. HTML and CSS are to play a gargantuan role. Know it. Use it. Keep on top of it as it evolves.

Have you become interested in front end web design? Know it takes more than HTML and CSS.

Push the limits. It is amazing what a little CSS can do. Check out Diana Smith’s CSS Francine and the Explanation.

Use the web to facilitate your professional aspiration with real target audiences to make you a better and more responsive student.

Be good, enjoy what you do and have an effective web presence.

And have an interesting and rewarding life.

All the best,
